Simmering Muggy Heat - Time for a break

Grenada has a strong gravitational pull for cruisers. The island is lush and green. Trees are taller.  Storms are less common. Grenada has not suffered a severe hurricane strike since 2004, but the locals haven't forgotten Ivan - a category 5 storm. Traveling inland you see plenty of evidence of the destructive power Ivan unleashed.

South of the traditional hurricane belt, we have arranged to leave Iolair here, on the southern tip of Grenada, until November.  Meanwhile, we are having fun living life with the Grenadians. They welcome and enjoy cruising boats, couples, and families from around the world.

Jaden, our 18-year-old niece, joined us in Grenada for 3 weeks, and we sailed back north through the Grenadines with her. Since our original trip south a month ago, the islands have emptied out. The charter fleet is much less active and the anchorages are less crowded. The heat has replaced the tourists, and the local restaurants and bars are happy to see a couple of guests each day. We are thrilled to have shared some special places with her - Tobago Cays, Bequia, Salt Whistle Bay, and the bays and bars of southern Grenada. Having never sailed before, she was a natural in the wind and waves.

Now back in southern Grenada, along with several of our friends, we enjoy diving, acoustic jam sessions, and the local beach bars. There are many friendly expats living here on their boats. Most of them just like it here.  Each morning they collect on a radio net to discuss the weather, social activities, arrivals, and departures. Local businesses describe their services and what they are cooking up for cruisers.

In a week we begin decommissioning the boat to spend 4 months in a boatyard. During our time away from the boat, we will road trip across the states. First, we'll move the contents of our 10x10 storage unit from Virginia to Idaho. We'll recommission our 1998 4 Runner for another trip through the Northwest to visit family in Boise, Donnelly, Eugene, and then head to Dripping Springs, Texas to visit family, hear some great music, and drink a few Lone Stars.

Returning to Grenada in November, we'll spend several months in the Eastern Caribbean and then head west to Bonaire.  I'll update the blog along the way. Join us on Instagram as well at #iolairatsea.  The blue adventure south will continue, and we thank you for following along.  More to come. For now, it's 91 every day, 84 every night, and humid.


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