Day 9: Solomon Islands to Galesville, Hartge Yacht Harbor - Familiar, peaceful waters

Position: Solomons Island
NM:  38 
Sea State: still none

We are heading home.  Still no wind at all, but we closed the companion way hatch to quiet the motor, and put on some good music in the cockpit. Took the opportunity to introduce Chris to the Beatle's White album; he decided they were definitely using drugs during production.

After about 10 miles, we recognize the usual landmarks - Sharp's Island Light House, Herring Bay, Bloody Point, and finally the West River green can - Navigation Marker G1A.

We had Iolair ready to rest when we entered the slip. Got to tell the neighbors about our adventure, and after 450 nautical miles over 9 days, we got in the car for the dangerous part of the trip...the Washington Beltway.

Reflecting on things, we:
- pushed hard to get all the way around the peninsula
- worked with the weather/wind available, no choice really
- don't need to see the Delaware Bay again
- avoided the dreaded seasickness
- fixed everything we broke
- can not describe the color of the water in the Atlantic but it was beautiful
- have a list of tweaks and improvements to Iolair
- didn't hit anything, sink, or feel like killing each other
- understand cruising is a different kind of "thing" - all plans are subject to change
- understand why the experts tell us "Iolair can take you anywhere you want to go."


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