Loose Wires

This has definitely been a season of loose wires. First, an engine alarm wire came loose, and shut down the engine in the middle of an anchor hoist. The wind was blowing hard and we were a few hundred feet from a rocky shore. Luckily, we dropped the anchor back down and it held. 3 hours to find the disconnected wire. Next, the alternator stopped working. An hour later I found the wire that was disconnected. Finally, the voltage regulator (sends charge to the battery bank) stopped working. We motored on past our planned remote marine park to the Gorges Harbor. In Gorges Harbor we could at least get a part or help within a few days, but 3 hours of investigation revealed yet another loose wire. Back in business and heading back to that missed marine park. We think these loose wires are from 3000 miles of jiggling and bouncing on a truck across the country. Add to that the age of some of Iolair’s wiring, and we have some issues. Sometimes I feel the same way - old and loosely wired. But in general, Iolair and her crew has been running well. We’ve got about another 10 days up here in the Desolation Sound area. There are more whales, snow-capped mountains, and remote spots for good old boats to meet. The worst that can happen is we get stuck there.


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