
Showing posts from 2022

Boat Body

Floating Tennis Shoes in Desolation Sound

Von Donop Inlet, Cortez Island

Loose Wires

35 Years

Octopus Islands, Neville Bay

Blind Channel Luxuries

Maltipi Cove to Forward Passage

Sargeaunt Passage

Kwatsi Bay, Tribune Channel

Simoom Sound, McIntosh Bay

Maggie's Point, Berry Island

Port NeVille

Tracey Cove - we need new socks!

Nimmo Bay

Turn Bull Cove

Sullivan Bay - North Broughton

Raincoast - Good Name

Broughton Islands - South

Past the 1st Gate

Tidal Rapids - Yuculta, Gillard, and Dent

Pender Harbour

Sunshine Coast

A Different Reality

Preparations Begin